La casa de la abuela

La casa tenía un patio en el centro con un gran rosal, una gran parte del terreno tenía jaulas y un corral, de cuando mi abuela tenía allí pollos gallinas y un pato… cuando visito su casa aun puedo sentir ese olor a animales de granja, Nos movíamos con cuidado en una especie de cocinita, donde tenía sus cazuelas, sus ollas de barro y demás utensilios de cocina, con esa mezcla de miedo a mover las telarañas que tapizaban los jarros y esa gran curiosidad por saber qué había ahí... Al fondo estaba el baño, separado de la casa por el patio pasando por el lavadero, a él accedíamos pasando bajo el árbol de aguacate que siempre tenía frutos, deliciosos por cierto el olor de las rosas, sobre todo a primera hora de la mañana, cuando el rocío incrementaba su olor. Recuerdo robárselas a mi abuela para regalárselas a alguna Srita, recuerdos, memorias…la casa de mi abuela


Una fiesta no es fiesta si no hay música. Poner música en los años 80 y/o 90 no era tan sencillo como lo es ahora. Los discos de vinilo, esos platos negros enormes, resultaban ser muy delicados y necesitaban ser manejados con mucho cuidado para que no se rayaran. Así que entre canción y canción podía haber varios minutos de silencio. Por otro lado, si querías una canción en específico debías dominar el arte de mover la aguja del tocadiscos. Años después llegaron los cassettes, que en ese tiempo costaban lo mismo que hoy un CD original de música. Quizás era un poco más sencillo adelantar o buscar una canción, pero seguía sin ser lo más óptimo. Seguramente las generaciones de ahora jamás sabrán la relación que existe entre un bolígrafo y un cassette.


And yes, this is another Spotlight element, and it's also here because I need to fill a bit of space. Naturally, like any other spotlight, you can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


This is a Añoranzas element. It can behave as a lightbox (when given the lightbox class), and you can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


This is an Items element, and it's basically just a grid for organizing items of various types. You can customize its appearance with a number of modifiers, as well as assign it an optional onload or onscroll transition modifier (details).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dui turpis, cursus eget orci amet aliquam congue semper. Etiam eget ultrices risus nec tempor elit.

Additional Elements

Finally, here are some additional elements you might find useful (and yup, they look fine with any appearance).


This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.


Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6

Heading with a Subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam id egestas urna aliquam

Nunc lacinia ante nunc ac lobortis. Interdum adipiscing gravida odio porttitor sem non mi integer non faucibus ornare mi ut ante amet placerat aliquet. Volutpat eu sed ante lacinia sapien lorem accumsan varius montes viverra nibh in adipiscing blandit tempus accumsan.

Heading with a Subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam id egestas urna aliquam

Nunc lacinia ante nunc ac lobortis. Interdum adipiscing gravida odio porttitor sem non mi integer non faucibus ornare mi ut ante amet placerat aliquet. Volutpat eu sed ante lacinia sapien lorem accumsan varius montes viverra nibh in adipiscing blandit tempus accumsan.

Heading with a Subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam id egestas urna aliquam

Nunc lacinia ante nunc ac lobortis. Interdum adipiscing gravida odio porttitor sem non mi integer non faucibus ornare mi ut ante amet placerat aliquet. Volutpat eu sed ante lacinia sapien lorem accumsan varius montes viverra nibh in adipiscing blandit tempus accumsan.

Unordered List


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Interdum adipiscing gravida odio
  • Porttitor sem non integer
  • Non faucibus ornare mi ut ante
  • Sagittis adipiscing eleifend
  • Felis amet dolore viverra


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Interdum adipiscing gravida odio
  • Porttitor sem non integer
  • Non faucibus ornare mi ut ante
  • Sagittis adipiscing eleifend
  • Felis amet dolore viverra

Ordered List

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Interdum adipiscing gravida odio
  3. Porttitor sem non integer
  4. Non faucibus ornare mi ut ante
  5. Sagittis adipiscing eleifend
  6. Felis amet dolore viverra

Definition List

Interdum adipiscing odio

Lorem ipsum dolor vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent fringilla quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Ante ipsum primis vestibulum.

Non faucibus ornare mi ut ante

Lorem ipsum dolor vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent fringilla quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Ante ipsum primis vestibulum.

Felis amet dolore viverra

Lorem ipsum dolor vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent fringilla quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Ante ipsum primis vestibulum.


Lorem ipsum dolor vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent fringilla quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Ante ipsum primis vestibulum.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';







Name Description Price
Item 1 Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item 2 Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item 3 Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item 4 Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item 5 Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item 1 Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item 2 Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item 3 Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item 4 Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item 5 Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99




Lorem ipsum dolor sit accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus magna blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolor consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus magna blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolor consequat.


Felis sagittis eget tempus primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus. Integer ac pellentesque praesent tincidunt felis sagittis eget. tempus euismod. Magna sed etiam ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan eu faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam.

Elements Reference

Oh, and this: a handy reference to all the modifiers supported by various elements.



<section class="banner style(N) (optional modifiers)">
  <div class="content">
  <div class="image">
    <img src="(image URL)" alt="Alternate text" />

banner style1

A 50/50 vertical split between content and an image. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
orient-left Shows content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Shows content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

banner style2

Boxed-in content set against an image background, and attached to either side of the screen or centered. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
orient-left Attaches the content box to the left edge of the screen.
orient-center Places the content box in the center of the screen.
orient-right Attaches the content box to the right edge of the screen.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

banner style3

An image within a circular frame placed to the side of content. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
orient-left Places the content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Places the content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-up Fades image up on page load.
onload-image-fade-down Fades image down on page load.
onload-image-fade-left Fades image left on page load.
onload-image-fade-right Fades image right on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-up Fades image up on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-down Fades image down on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-left Fades image left on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-right Fades image right on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

banner style4

An image within a phone-shaped frame placed to the side of content. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
iphone Uses iPhone styling for image frame.
android Uses Android styling for image frame.
orient-left Places the content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Places the content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-up Fades image up on page load.
onload-image-fade-down Fades image down on page load.
onload-image-fade-left Fades image left on page load.
onload-image-fade-right Fades image right on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-up Fades image up on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-down Fades image down on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-left Fades image left on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-right Fades image right on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

banner style5

Content set directly against an image background. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.



<section class="spotlight style(N) (optional modifiers)">
  <div class="content">
  <div class="image">
    <img src="(image URL)" alt="Alternate text" />

spotlight style1

A 30/70 (or 70/30, depending on orientation) vertical split between content and an image. Supports these modifiers:

orient-left Shows content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Shows content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

spotlight style2

An image within a circular frame placed to the side of content. Supports these modifiers:

orient-left Places the content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Places the content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-up Fades image up on page load.
onload-image-fade-down Fades image down on page load.
onload-image-fade-left Fades image left on page load.
onload-image-fade-right Fades image right on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-up Fades image up on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-down Fades image down on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-left Fades image left on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-right Fades image right on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

spotlight style3

An image within a phone-shaped frame placed to the side of content. Supports these modifiers:

orient-left Places the content on the left, image on the right.
orient-right Places the content on the right, image on the left.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-up Fades image up on page load.
onload-image-fade-down Fades image down on page load.
onload-image-fade-left Fades image left on page load.
onload-image-fade-right Fades image right on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-up Fades image up on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-down Fades image down on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-left Fades image left on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-right Fades image right on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

spotlight style4

Boxed-in content set against an image background, and attached to either side of the screen or centered. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
halfscreen Fills half the height of the screen.
orient-left Attaches the content box to the left edge of the screen.
orient-center Places the content box in the center of the screen.
orient-right Attaches the content box to the right edge of the screen.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.

spotlight style5

Boxed-in content set against an image background. Supports these modifiers:

fullscreen Fills the height of the screen.
halfscreen Fills half the height of the screen.
orient-left Places the content box on the left of the screen.
orient-center Places the content box in the center of the screen.
orient-right Places the content box on the right side of the screen.
content-align-left Left-aligns content.
content-align-center Center-aligns content.
content-align-right Right-aligns content.
image-position-left Left-positions image.
image-position-center Center-positions image.
image-position-right Right-positions image.
onload-content-fade-up Fades content up on page load.
onload-content-fade-down Fades content down on page load.
onload-content-fade-left Fades content left on page load.
onload-content-fade-right Fades content right on page load.
onload-content-fade-in Fades in content on page load.
onload-image-fade-in Fades in image on page load.
onscroll-content-fade-up Fades content up on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-down Fades content down on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-left Fades content left on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-right Fades content right on page scroll.
onscroll-content-fade-in Fades in content on page scroll.
onscroll-image-fade-in Fades in image on page scroll.
invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.



<div class="items style(N) (size modifier) (optional modifiers)">

items style1

A grid of items separated by borders.

small Uses small items.
medium Uses medium items.
big Uses big items.
onload-fade-in Fades in items on page load.
onscroll-fade-in Fades in items on page scroll.

items style2

An outlined grid of items separated by borders.

small Uses small items.
medium Uses medium items.
big Uses big items.
onload-fade-in Fades in items on page load.
onscroll-fade-in Fades in items on page scroll.

items style3

A borderless grid of items.

small Uses small items.
medium Uses medium items.
big Uses big items.
onload-fade-in Fades in items on page load.
onscroll-fade-in Fades in items on page scroll.



<div class="wrapper (optional modifiers)">


invert Inverts the color scheme.
color1 Uses background color #1.
color2 Uses background color #2.
color3 Uses background color #3.
color4 Uses background color #4.
color5 Uses background color #5.
color6 Uses background color #6.
color7 Uses background color #7.